12 Best Plants For The Bathroom

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The bathroom is typically considered one of the most functional spaces in our homes, but it doesn’t have to be a dull and uninspiring room.

You can add a touch of nature’s beauty by incorporating plants into the space, which serves the double purpose of enhancing your decor and improving your indoor air quality.

With the right plants, your bathroom will receive the perfect amount of humidity, light, and warmth required for its survival.

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at 12 of the best plants for your bathroom space.

1. Peace Lily

Peace Lily is a popular houseplant choice, and it’s easy to see why.

This plant is not only beautiful, but it helps improve air quality by purifying the air of various harmful toxins.

Additionally, it thrives in low-lit environments, like your bathroom.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a versatile plant, and it’s perfect for your bathroom.

It thrives in low-lit spaces and requires very little maintenance.

It’s also great for treating skin burns, making it a perfect plant to have in your bathroom.

3. Snake Plant

Snake Plant is another excellent choice for your bathroom.

Known for their hardiness, these plants require very little maintenance, and they can tolerate low-light conditions, which is perfect for bathrooms.

An added benefit is that snake plants release oxygen at night and absorb harmful pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde.

4. Boston Fern

The Boston Fern is an all-around fantastic plant for any home, but especially for bathrooms.

They do well in high humidity and indirect light, two things that the bathroom usually fulfills.

They also help clean the air and add a touch of a jungle vibe to your space.

5. Spider Plant

The Spider Plant has a unique, almost whimsical appearance that adds character to your bathroom.

They’re known for their ability to remove toxic substances like formaldehyde and xylene from the air, and they thrive in low-light conditions.

6. Cast Iron Plant

The Cast Iron Plant is a tough, hardy plant that does well in any room, especially in bathrooms.

This plant is very low maintenance and can thrive in less-than-ideal conditions, making it an excellent choice for those who don’t want to spend much time caring for their plants.

7. ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant is another low-maintenance, hardy plant that does exceptionally well in high humidity and low light conditions, making it a perfect choice for the bathroom.

They’re great at purifying the air of pollutants, like benzene and toluene, which can be found in many household products.

8. English Ivy

English Ivy is a popular plant for many reasons, but one of the notable ones is its ability to remove mould and other harmful toxins from the air.

It’s an excellent choice if you live in a damp environment, and it thrives in indirect light, so your bathroom is the perfect spot!

9. Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos is an easy-to-care-for plant that can grow quite long, making it perfect for hanging baskets.

The bathroom humidity helps keep the plant moist, and it’s great at purifying the air of pollutants.

10. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky Bamboo is a beautiful plant that adds an exotic vibe to your bathroom.

It requires minimal maintenance and thrives in high humidity, making it ideal for a bathroom environment.

Lucky Bamboo also helps purify the air by removing benzene and formaldehyde and releasing more oxygen.

11. Philodendron

Philodendron plant

The Philodendron is a unique, beautiful plant that loves damp, humid environments.

It’s perfect for the bathroom and does well in low-light conditions.

They also help purify the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde and xylene.

12. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen plant

The Chinese Evergreen is a low-maintenance, low-light plant that thrives in bathrooms.

It is an excellent air purifier, removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

This plant is also drought-tolerant, making it perfect for those who don’t want to spend much time caring for their plants.

In summary, incorporating plants into your bathroom is an excellent way to improve the look of your space while also improving your indoor air quality.

All plants listed above thrive in the warm, humid environment typically found in bathrooms and require minimal maintenance.

Choose one or several of them to create a lush, green oasis for a fresher, more relaxing experience during your morning routine.

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Chanel Campbell

Founder of The Style Diary | 30-Something Fashionista

Between hunting for purse-friendly jeans and snagging yet another cushion for my sofa, I'm a fun-loving mum from London who loves eating out, DIY skincare recipes, and K-Dramas! I also run a self-care and personal growth blog at www.ohitsbliss.com. Check it out if you want to join the fun! 🙂


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