Argan Oil Or Coconut Oil, Which One Is Best For Your Hair?

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illustration of coconuts and bottles of argan oil

Natural oils have long been touted for their diverse benefits in hair care such as promoting hair growth, maintaining healthy locks, and combating common issues like frizzy hair and split ends.

Among the many options available, argan oil and coconut oil emerge as frontrunners. But which one reigns supreme?

But when it comes to nourishing your hair, which one reigns supreme?

Let’s talk about the characteristics of argan oil and coconut oil to determine which might be the best fit for your hair care regimen.

Understanding Argan Oil

Argan oil, often referred to as “liquid gold,” originates from the kernels of the argan tree native to Morocco.

Its extraction involves a labour-intensive process traditionally performed by Berber women.

Rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, argan oil offers a multitude of benefits for hair health, including keeping your hair healthy after dyeing it.

argan oil arrangement

According to Dr Dray, a board-certified dermatologist and skincare enthusiast, “Argan oil, when applied to the hair shaft after hair dyeing has been shown to decrease protein loss”, she goes on to say, “Argan oil may protect the hair shaft as well from heat and from what’s called hygral fatigue, certain her types are susceptible to damage of their hair from excessive exposure to water.

Argan oil, with its lightweight texture and small molecular size, also has the ability to penetrate the hair shaft more easily compared to heavier oils—this is great news for those with low porosity hair, as it can provide much-needed moisture without leaving a greasy residue or causing buildup.

Exploring Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, derived from the meat of mature coconuts, has been a staple in hair care routines for generations, particularly in tropical regions.

Composed primarily of medium-chain fatty acids, coconut oil boasts unique properties that make it highly beneficial for hair.

A glass of coconut oil on a wooden board surrounding by coconuts and leaves

According to Dr. Faisal Ahmed Hammadi, trichologist at PowerYourCurls, “Coconut oil also helps soften and condition the hair. It helps reduce protein loss in all hair types. It is also rich in lauric acid and can penetrate the hair shaft and can act as a daily conditioner.

A 12-week study by Scientific Reports showed that coconut oil exhibits antimicrobial properties, making it effective in combating fungal infections such as dandruff and maintaining a healthy scalp environment—healthy hair begins at the root after all!

RELATED: 5 Easy DIY Hair Masks For Dry Itchy Scalp

The Debate: Argan Oil vs. Coconut Oil

Ok, so both argan oil and coconut oil have a pretty impressive resume, but which one is superior?

The answer largely depends on individual hair types, preferences, and specific needs. The following dropdown will help you decide which one is right for you:

    • Rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants (such as vitamin E), and other nutrients.

    • Lightweight texture that doesn’t weigh down hair—great for low porosity hair.

    • Absorbs easily into the hair shaft, providing deep hydration and nourishment.

    • Helps to soften and smooth hair, making it more manageable.

    • Contains anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for soothing the scalp and promoting scalp health.

    • Protects hair from environmental damage and oxidative stress.

    • Suitable for most hair types, including fine, thick or curly.

    • Composed primarily of medium-chain fatty acids and lauric acid.

    • Solid at room temperature but melts upon contact with the skin or hair.

    • Deeply penetrates the hair shaft, providing intense hydration and conditioning.

    • Strengthens hair strands and reduces protein loss, leading to stronger, healthier hair.

    • Exhibits antimicrobial properties and is effective against fungal infections such as dandruff.

    • Seals moisture into the hair cuticle, preventing moisture loss and reducing frizz.

    • Ideal for dry, damaged, or thick hair types, but may be too heavy for fine or oily hair if applied excessively.

Argan Oil-Based Hair Products

Argan oil is a popular ingredient in a range of hair care products, offering deep hydration and nourishment for dry, damaged hair.

Options include sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner sets, deeply conditioning masks, and leave-in hair conditioners for ongoing hydration and protection.

Lightweight serums and heat protectant sprays infused with argan oil provide shine and shield hair from heat styling damage.

Additionally, scalp treatments with argan oil can soothe and nourish the scalp, promoting overall scalp health.

Coconut Oil-Based Hair Products

Coconut oil is a versatile ingredient widely used in hair care products for its deep conditioning and moisturising properties.

Options include coconut oil-infused shampoo and conditioner sets that gently cleanse and hydrate the hair, leaving it soft and manageable.

Deep conditioning hair masks enriched with coconut oil provide intense hydration and repair for dry, damaged hair strands.

Leave-in conditioners containing coconut oil offer ongoing moisture and protection against frizz throughout the day, while lightweight serums help tame flyaways and add shine without weighing hair down.

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Can You Use Coconut Oil & Argan Oil Together?

Yes! You can use coconut oil and argan oil together. In fact, combining these two oils can create a potent blend that offers a range of benefits for hair.

Coconut oil’s deep conditioning properties can help penetrate the hair shaft and provide intense hydration, while argan oil’s lightweight texture adds moisture and shine without weighing down the hair.

Mixing the two oils can create a balanced formula that addresses various hair concerns.

Which Oil Is Best For High Porosity Hair?

For high porosity hair, oils that help seal moisture into the hair cuticle and prevent excessive moisture loss are beneficial.

Among natural oils, heavier oils such as coconut oil and olive oil can be particularly effective for high porosity hair.

These oils have larger molecular sizes, which allow them to coat the hair shaft and create a protective barrier, reducing porosity and preventing moisture from escaping.

What Oils Are Not Good For The Scalp?

While many natural oils offer benefits for hair and scalp health, some oils may not be suitable for direct application to the scalp due to their heavier consistency or potential to cause irritation. These oils include:

  1. Castor Oil: Castor oil is thick and sticky, which can make it difficult to wash out and may lead to buildup on the scalp if not properly diluted. It can also be too heavy for some scalp types, potentially clogging pores and causing greasiness.

  2. Olive Oil: While olive oil is highly moisturising and beneficial for hair, its heavy texture may weigh down the scalp and lead to buildup if applied excessively. It’s best used sparingly or diluted with lighter oils for scalp massage or treatments.

  3. Mineral Oil: Mineral oil is a petroleum-derived oil often found in commercial hair products. While it can help seal moisture into the hair, it is not easily absorbed by the scalp and may clog pores, leading to potential scalp issues such as acne or folliculitis.

  4. Heavy Essential Oils: Some essential oils, such as patchouli or cedarwood, have a thick consistency and potent aroma that may be too strong for direct scalp application. These oils are best used in diluted form or mixed with carrier oils for scalp treatments.

Want to try out some DIY mask recipes for dry and itchy scalp? Click here.

The Style Diary

The Style Diary is a women's lifestyle blog. Discover beauty tips, fashion trends, home interior guides, entertainment and culture news, all written by women for women #livinglifeinstyle.


Got Low Porosity Hair? These Are The Best Oils To Use!