100 Positive Affirmations Of Gratitude

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Grateful woman smiles with her eyes closed and hands on her chest.

Ever wondered how a simple shift in perspective can transform your entire day?

Well, that’s what having gratitude can do! Our lives are a collection of moments, big and small, and sometimes, we forget to pause and appreciate the goodness around us.

That’s where gratitude affirmations come in, they remind us how lucky we really are to have the things in our lives that actually matter!

Once you remember to be grateful, it will have this transformative power to change the ordinary into the extraordinary—shifting your focus from what’s missing to what’s abundantly present.

Living gratefully begins with affirming the good and recognizing its sources. It is the understanding that life owes me nothing and all the good I have is a gift, accompanied by an awareness that nothing can be taken for granted.
— Robert Emmons, The Little Book of Gratitude: Create a life of happiness and wellbeing by giving thanks

But, we know in today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to overlook the small wonders of our daily lives—the warmth of the sun, the smile of a friend, or the quiet moments that offer peace and reflection.

That’s why we’ve curated 100 affirmations of gratitude to help you cultivate a deeper appreciation for life’s many blessings, reminding you to pause, reflect, and embrace the joy that comes from being thankful.

10 Benefits Of Gratitude

Affirmations for gratitude aren’t just about saying “thank you”—it’s about truly appreciating the people and things in your life. This deeper sense of thankfulness brings long-lasting positivity.

Here are ten benefits of gratitude:

  1. Enhances Mental Health: According to a study by Clinical Psychology Review titled “Gratitude and Well-Being: A Review and Theoretical Integration” found that gratitude is consistently associated with greater psychological well-being, including reduced levels of depression and anxiety, and increased levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

  2. Improves Physical Health: People who practise gratitude often feel healthier as they’re more likely to take care of themselves, exercise regularly, and keep up with medical check-ups.

  3. Reduces Stress: Acknowledging what you’re thankful for, even during stressful times, can help calm your mind and reduce panic. This practice lowers stress hormone levels and fosters a sense of calm.

  4. Enhances Sleep Quality: Writing down what you’re grateful for before bed can improve your sleep quality and duration. Positive thoughts can quiet your mind, making it easier to drift off peacefully.

  5. Strengthens Relationships: Showing appreciation can strengthen your social bonds, friendships, and relationships. A study by Mario Mikulincer, a Psychologist at Reichman University concluded that gratitude contributes “strength and longevity to romantic and marital relationships”. Thanking others and recognising their efforts can open up new opportunities and deepen your existing connections.

  6. Boosts Self-esteem: Gratitude helps reduce social comparisons. Instead of feeling resentful toward people who have more, grateful individuals can appreciate others’ accomplishments, which boosts self-esteem.

  7. Increases Resilience: Gratitude can help you bounce back from tough times. It encourages a positive mindset, which enhances your resilience and ability to recover from stress and trauma.

  8. Enhances Empathy and Reduces Aggression: Grateful people are more likely to act kindly, even when others aren’t as nice. They show increased empathy and are less likely to seek revenge, fostering more harmonious relationships.

  9. Improves Decision Making: Individuals who cultivate gratitude tend to be more patient and make better decisions. Gratitude increases self-control, which helps in delaying gratification and in assessing beneficial long-term goals over immediate rewards.

  10. Promotes Psychological Well-being: Gratitude lessens toxic emotions like regret and envy, helping to focus on the present moment. This can decrease feelings of anxiety and can cultivate an overall sense of well-being.

100 Affirmations Of Gratitude

Now for the good bit! We’ve broken our list of 100 affirmations into five sections, so you can find focused affirmations for: family, self-love, success, friends, and manifesting—enjoy!

Gratitude Affirmations For Family

Mother and Daughter Having Tender Moment Together

Family is the heart and soul of our lives, right? They give us so much love, support, and countless cherished memories. Taking a moment to show a little gratitude for our family can really strengthen those bonds and remind us just how much love we have around us every day.

1. I am grateful for the unconditional love my family gives me.

2. I appreciate the unique qualities that each family member brings to my life.

3. I am thankful for the support and encouragement my family provides.

4. I cherish the memories we create together.

5. I am grateful for the lessons my family teaches me.

6. I appreciate the time we spend together, creating lasting bonds.

7. I am thankful for the laughter and joy my family brings into my life.

8. I value the sense of belonging and acceptance within my family.

9. I am grateful for the strength and resilience we show as a family.

10. I appreciate the open and honest communication we share.

I am grateful for the lessons my family teaches me I cherish the fun and adventurous moments we share together. Affirmations for gratitude quote.

11. I am thankful for the kindness and compassion my family shows me.

12. I cherish the traditions and rituals that connect us.

13. I am grateful for the shared experiences that strengthen our relationships.

14. I appreciate the sacrifices my family makes for my well-being.

15. I am thankful for the guidance and wisdom my family offers.

16. I value the love and care we give to each other.

17. I am grateful for the mutual respect and understanding in my family.

18. I appreciate the sense of security and comfort my family provides.

19. I am thankful for the joy and celebration of our special moments together.

20. I cherish the deep connections and love that form the foundation of my family.

Gratitude Affirmations For Self Love

Loving yourself is one of the most important things you can do, but it’s not always easy. Practising gratitude for yourself can boost your confidence and remind you of your own worth.

1. I am grateful for my unique qualities and strengths.

2. I appreciate my body and all that it does for me.

3. I am thankful for my resilience and ability to overcome challenges.

4. I cherish my creativity and the joy it brings me.

5. I am grateful for my intelligence and the ways it helps me navigate life.

6. I appreciate my capacity for love and compassion.

7. I am thankful for my personal growth and the progress I have made.

8. I value my intuition and trust in my decisions.

9. I am grateful for the peace and calm I can create within myself.

10. I appreciate my sense of humour and how it lightens my life.

I am grateful for my intelligence and the ways it helps me navigate life.I cherish the fun and adventurous moments we share together. Affirmations for gratitude quote.

11. I am thankful for my ability to learn and grow from experiences.

12. I cherish my kindness and the positive impact it has on others.

13. I am grateful for my strength and perseverance.

14. I appreciate my ability to forgive myself and others.

15. I am thankful for my courage to face my fears.

16. I value my uniqueness and embrace my individuality.

17. I am grateful for the love I give to myself.

18. I appreciate how patient and understanding I am.

19. I am thankful for my ability to set healthy boundaries.

20. I cherish the person I am becoming and the journey I am on.

Powerful Gratitude Affirmations For Success

Success isn’t just about reaching your goals—it’s also about appreciating the journey and the growth along the way. Practising gratitude can boost your motivation, keep you focused, and remind you of the progress you’ve made so far!

1. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.

2. I appreciate the hard work and effort I put into achieving my goals.

3. I am thankful for the lessons learned from my challenges and setbacks.

4. I cherish the progress I have made on my path to success.

5. I am grateful for the support and encouragement I receive from others.

6. I appreciate my determination and perseverance.

7. I am thankful for my creative ideas and innovative solutions.

8. I value the connections and relationships that help me grow.

9. I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I have acquired.

10. I appreciate my ability to stay focused and driven.

I am grateful for the support and encouragement I receive from others. I cherish the fun and adventurous moments we share together. Affirmations for gratitude quote.

11. I am thankful for the positive mindset that guides me.

12. I cherish the moments of success, big and small, that I experience.

13. I am grateful for the abundance of opportunities available to me.

14. I appreciate the balance I maintain between work and personal life.

15. I am thankful for the courage to pursue my dreams.

16. I value my ability to adapt and thrive in changing situations.

17. I am grateful for the clarity of my goals and the steps to achieve them.

18. I appreciate my resilience in the face of obstacles.

19. I am thankful for the inspiration and motivation that fuels my journey.

20. I cherish the fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with my achievements.

Gratitude Affirmations For Friends

Two female friends Being Silly with their friends

Friends are the family we choose, bringing joy, support, and laughter into our lives. Expressing gratitude for our besties strengthens these precious bonds and reminds us of the wonderful connections we have.

1. I am grateful for the unwavering support my friends provide.

2. I appreciate the laughter and joy my friends bring into my life.

3. I am thankful for the understanding and empathy my friends show me.

4. I cherish the fun and adventurous moments we share together.

5. I am grateful for the honest advice and guidance my friends offer.

6. I appreciate the unique perspectives my friends bring into my life.

7. I am thankful for the comfort and solace my friends provide during tough times.

8. I value the trust and loyalty we have in our friendships.

9. I am grateful for the encouragement and motivation my friends give me.

10. I appreciate the deep and meaningful conversations we share.

I cherish the fun and adventurous moments we share together. Affirmations for gratitude quote.

11. I am thankful for the shared experiences that strengthen our bonds.

12. I cherish the sense of belonging and acceptance my friends offer.

13. I am grateful for the kindness and generosity my friends show.

14. I appreciate the positive influence my friends have on my life.

15. I am thankful for the memories we create together.

16. I value the mutual respect and understanding in our friendships.

17. I am grateful for the inspiration and creativity my friends bring out in me.

18. I appreciate the love and care my friends have for me.

19. I am thankful for the adventures and new experiences we embark on together.

20. I cherish the genuine connections and deep bonds I share with my friends.

Gratitude Affirmations For Manifesting

Woman's hands writing in journal

Ever felt like you’re just one step away from turning your dreams into reality? Well, gratitude might just be the secret sauce you’ve been missing to attract more abundance and positivity into your life.

1. I am grateful for the abundance that flows effortlessly into my life.

2. I appreciate the opportunities that come my way, guiding me towards my desires.

3. I am thankful for the miracles that manifest in my life every day.

4. I attract positivity and abundance with an attitude of gratitude.

5. I am grateful for the universe conspiring in my favour to fulfill my dreams.

6. I appreciate the synchronicities that align perfectly with my desires.

7. I am thankful for the clarity and focus that gratitude brings to my manifestations.

8. I attract love, joy, and prosperity by expressing gratitude for all that I have.

9. I am grateful for the abundance of blessings that surround me.

10. I appreciate the abundance mindset that attracts prosperity into my life effortlessly.

I am grateful for the universe conspiring in my favour to fulfill my dreams. Affirmations for gratitude quote.

11. I am thankful for the divine guidance that leads me towards my highest good.

12. I attract abundance by radiating gratitude from the depths of my soul.

13. I am grateful for the unlimited possibilities that await me in the universe.

14. I appreciate the abundance that flows into my life in surprising and unexpected ways.

15. I am thankful for the manifestation of my dreams into reality.

16. I attract abundance by focusing on the abundance that already exists within me.

17. I am grateful for the abundance of love, joy, and abundance that fills my life.

18. I appreciate the universe’s infinite capacity to fulfill my deepest desires.

19. I am thankful for the manifestation of my intentions into tangible results.

20. I attract abundance by cultivating an attitude of gratitude in every moment.

What If I Struggle To Feel Grateful?

That’s ok! It’s completely normal to have days when gratitude feels challenging.

If you’re struggling to feel grateful, start small by focusing on simple things, like the sound of birds chirping outside your window, the comforting taste of your morning coffee, a smile from a stranger, or a cosy blanket on a chilly day.

Each one can be worthy of gratitude. With practise, gratitude becomes a habit that strengthens over time.

How Do I Incorporate These Affirmations Into My Daily Routine?

There are many ways to weave these daily gratitude affirmations into your routine!

You can start your day by reciting them aloud, jotting them down in a gratitude journal before bed, or even incorporating them into your meditation practise.

Find what works best for you and make it a daily habit!

Can I Customise These Affirmations To Fit My Personal Experiences?

Absolutely! Feel free to personalise them to resonate more deeply with your own experiences and desires.

The more authentic they feel to you, the more powerful they become in manifesting positivity in your life.

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Each of these affirmations can serve as a daily reminder to embrace gratitude, enriching your life with positivity and appreciation.

Need some journal prompts for self-care? Click here.

The Style Diary

The Style Diary is a women's lifestyle blog. Discover beauty tips, fashion trends, home interior guides, entertainment and culture news, all written by women for women #livinglifeinstyle.


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