15 Mental Health Apps To Support & Guide You On Your Path To A Healthier Wellbeing

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In addition to being an integral part of our overall well-being, mental health can greatly affect the quality of our lives.

Although traditional face-to-face counselling or therapy provides a more personal experience for the individual whereby the counsellor or therapist can observe your non-verbal communication like body language as well as help you to develop your communication skills, it’s not always the most comfortable option for many.

Others will also experience other challenges like childcare, disabilities, travel expenses and social anxiety, therefore, many steer away from getting support altogether.

There are a number of apps available for iOS and/or Android users that provide easy access to virtual mental health support and guidance at home or wherever and whenever you need it, taking into account that different people require different forms of support - the features that these apps offer range from tracking your moods to teaching you new coping strategies.

So whether you are dealing with anxiety or depression, or just want to practice self-care, these 15 apps offer a range of helpful tools to get you on the path to better mental health.

1. MindShift CBT

What Is It?

The Mindshift CBT mental health app offers a range of features and resources to support users in overcoming anxiety, stress, and other mental health challenges.

Why Use The App?

  • Evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques to reframe negative thoughts and reduce anxiety.

  • Guided relaxation exercises, mindfulness meditations, and breathing exercises.

  • Set goals and track progress to identify patterns in thoughts and behaviours.

  • Earn rewards for achievements.

2. Thrive

What Is It?

The Thrive mental health app combines various features such as therapy, self-help techniques, and community support to create a comprehensive platform that promotes mental health.

Why Use The App?

  • Schedule virtual therapy sessions with qualified professionals who can provide guidance and support for a wide range of mental health issues.

  • Self-help techniques include mindfulness exercises, stress reduction techniques, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) tools.

  • Learn coping strategies and develop healthier habits to manage mental well-being.

  • Connect with other users who may be going through similar experiences.

3. Calm

What Is It?

Calm offers a wide range of features and resources to promote relaxation, mindfulness, and better sleep.

Why Use The App?

  • Expert-led meditation programs, which are tailored to different goals such as reducing stress, improving focus, or enhancing creativity.

  • Library of sleep stories to help users fall asleep faster and enjoy a better quality of rest. The sleep stories cover a wide range of genres, including nature, fiction, and even ASMR, and are read by well-known voices such as Matthew McConaughey and Stephen Fry.

4. Headspace

What Is It?

Headscape aims to promote well-being and provide tools to help manage and improve mental health.

Why Use The App?

  • Track and monitor mood fluctuations on a daily basis to visualise mood patterns over time and identify triggers or patterns that may affect well-being.

  • Guided meditation and breathing exercises to help users relax and reduce stress.

  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals who are also on a mental health journey. Users can engage in discussions, share experiences, and offer support to one another.

5. Happify

What Is It?

Happify offers a range of evidence-based activities and interventions designed to help individuals reduce stress, build resilience, and cultivate positive emotions.

Why Use The App?

  • Collection of engaging games and activities that are grounded in scientific research to target specific areas of mental health, such as stress management, gratitude, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

  • The “Three Good Things” exercise prompts users to reflect on three positive experiences they had during the day and write them down. By focusing on positive aspects of their lives, users can train their minds to prioritise positive thoughts and emotions, which can ultimately lead to increased happiness and mental well-being.

6. Talkspace

What Is It?

Talkspace is a revolutionary digital platform that connects individuals with licensed therapists through a convenient and user-friendly interface. Designed to meet the growing demand for accessible mental health services, Talkspace offers a wide range of therapeutic options to fit the unique needs of each user.

Why Use The App?

  • Provides therapy through text messaging allowing users to have real-time conversations with their assigned therapist, providing a more flexible and discreet way to seek help.

  • Video and voice messaging options allow users to have virtual sessions with their therapist, replicating the traditional therapy experience from the comfort of their own homes.

7. Alkeme

What Is It?

The Alkeme Mental Health app is a digital platform designed specifically to address the unique mental health needs of the black community.

Why Use The App?

  • Provides a safe and inclusive space where individuals can access resources, support, and tools to improve their mental well-being.

  • Offers a range of articles, blog posts, and videos that cover various mental health topics from a black perspective.

  • Access to a diverse network of mental health professionals who specialise in providing culturally competent care.

  • Users can connect with therapists, counsellors, and coaches who have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by black individuals and communities.

  • Offers support through virtual sessions, text-based chats, or phone calls, depending on the user's preference.

8. What's Up

What Is It?

The What's Up mental health app offers a range of features that can help users manage and improve their mental well-being.

Why Use The App?

  • Log daily emotions and track patterns over time to identify triggers or understand how certain activities or situations impact their mental state.

  • Self-help tools and techniques, such as guided relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, and grounding techniques to manage anxiety, stress, or panic attacks in real-time.

  • Includes a “Get Grounded” section, which offers games and activities aimed at diverting attention from negative thoughts or overwhelming emotions.

  • Incorporates a safety plan feature, allowing users to create a personalised plan for managing crises or difficult situations.

9. Hub of Hope

What Is It?

The Hub of Hope was developed by the mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, the app aims to provide a central hub where users can easily access information and find appropriate help for their mental health needs.

Why Use The App?

  • Wide range of support options, including helplines, support groups, counselling services, and treatment centres.

  • Offers a crisis messenger service allowing users to connect with trained volunteers who provide support in times of crisis.

  • Provides educational resources and real-life stories from individuals who have experienced mental health challenges.

10. Wysa

What Is It?

The Wysa mental health app was developed by a team of psychologists. It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to provide personalised and confidential support to users struggling with various mental health issues.

Why Use This App?

  • Offers a range of features, including mood tracking, meditation exercises, conversation-based therapy, and self-help tools.

  • The Wysa chatbot uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques to provide emotional support and guidance.

  • Personalised coping strategies and mindfulness exercises to help users manage their symptoms and improve their mental health.

  • Has a feature called “Daily Reflections” where users can track their moods and identify patterns in their emotions.

11. Youper

What Is It?

Youper offers a range of features and tools aimed at improving mental resilience, self-awareness, and overall emotional health.

Why Use The App?

  • Uses an initial assessment to tailor its content and recommendations to their specific needs.

  • Provides a wide range of self-help resources, including guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques.

  • Incorporates elements of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). The app offers interactive modules that help users identify and reframe negative thinking patterns, manage stress, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

  • Provides a supportive community for users to connect with others who may be experiencing similar challenges.

  • Offers access to certified mental health professionals who can provide guidance and support when needed.

12. Sanvello

What Is It?

The Sanvello was created by Sanvello Health, a company that specialises in digital mental health solutions. The app was formerly known as Pacifica, but it was rebranded in 2019.

Why Use The App?

  • A wide range of features that helps users address a variety of mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress, and PTSD.

  • It includes guided meditations, cognitive-behavioural therapy exercises, mindfulness tools, and mood-tracking features.

  • The app also provides access to a community of users who can offer support and encouragement.

  • The app's content is designed by clinical psychologists and other mental health professionals, and it is based on research and best practices in the field.

13. Moodfit

What Is It?

Moodfit offers a wide range of features and tools that aim to support users in managing their emotions, reducing stress, and promoting overall mental wellness.

Why Use This App?

  • Users have access to tools and insights that help to reduce stress, beat procrastination & rumination, and feel more positive and restore motivation.

  • Record daily moods and emotions, to gain insights into the user’s mental state over time.

  • Guided mindfulness and meditation exercises, breathing techniques, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) exercises.

  • Provides curated content such as articles, podcasts, and videos that are tailored to the individual's specific needs and interests to help with stress and anxiety.

14. Meomind

What Is It?

The MeoMind mental health app is a powerful tool designed to help individuals manage their mental well-being.

Why Use This App?

  • Offers a variety of guided meditation and relaxation exercises to help users reduce stress, improve sleep, and cultivate a sense of calm and well-being.

  • With the journaling function, users can document their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a private and secure space allowing individuals to express themselves, gain clarity, and track their progress over time.

  • Individuals can also listen to recorded therapy sessions relevant to the users on mental health challenges.

15. Daylio

What Is It?

The Daylio mental health app is selected as one of Google’s ‘Editor’s Picks'. Established in 2015, Daylio now has over 10M users.

Why Use This App?

  • Users can create a daily mood diary by selecting their mood from a range of options, such as happy, sad, stressed, or anxious.

  • The app lets users track their activities and behaviours, helping them identify any patterns or triggers that may be affecting their mental health.

  • Users can set customisable reminders to log their mood and activities at specific times each day, ensuring that they don't forget to check in with themselves.

  • The app generates charts and graphs based on the user's input, providing a clear overview of their mood patterns over time.

  • Offers a built-in journal feature that allows users to write down their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Prioritising our mental health can be challenging, but it's essential if we want to live a fulfilling and happy life.

These 15 mental health apps offer a range of tools, techniques, and strategies to help us manage stress, anxiety, and depression.

By incorporating one or more of these apps into your daily routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving healthier well-being.

The Style Diary

The Style Diary is a women's lifestyle blog. Discover beauty tips, fashion trends, home interior guides, entertainment and culture news, all written by women for women #livinglifeinstyle.


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